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Retail store Hours 9AM- 5PM Monday- Friday PST

October News from Pro8mm

October News from Pro8mm

Almost everyone’s favorite holiday is here! Especially for our creative community, Halloween comes to life on the streets of Burbank as residents get to share their spooky side for all to enjoy! The city even sponsors a Halloween Decorating Contest for residents and businesses! Stop by for a piece of candy or see the team dressed up Friday, October 29th!


Just Added from Our Camera Rental Department!


You can now complete a Pro814 Camera Rental on line without having to go through a staff member! Self checkout is available by adding your rental dates in the online store and checking out your rental. Prices start at $160 a day, and go as low as $40 a day!

You'll love the Pro814 if you are looking for an easy to use camera with some advanced features. It has been used in hit TV shows such as behind the scenes in American Idol, This is Us, music videos and many more! It was just featured in a new spot for Tiffany & Co.About Love” staring Beyonce and JZ. Check out the video from Noah Henderson of Analog Resurgence that demos this exceptional Super 8 camera!

All rental cameras have been tested by our in-house team of technicians with decades of rebuild and repair experience.

What makes a Pro8mm Pro814 different from a Canon 814? Pro8mm's updated components, such as the brand new voltage modification that was recently updated and is included in all rentals and purchases!
Read the blog here.


Holiday Hours- Plan Ahead!


With the holidays right around the corner, we want you to know our schedule well in advance so you can plan ahead.

THANKSGIVING: We will be closed Thursday through Sunday, November 25 to 28th. Film that is received on the Tuesday and Wednesday 11/23 and 11/24th will not be completed until after the long weekend. We will be able to accommodate some same day rushes on these days. Rush service fees will apply.

CHRISTMAS: We will be closed Friday-Sunday December 24-26th. Film received on Thursday, December 23 will not be completed until after the long weekend. We will be able to accommodate some same day rushes on 12/23. Rush service fees will apply.

NEW YEARS: We will be closed Friday-Sunday December 31-January 2. Film received on Thursday, December 30 will not be completed until after the long weekend. We will be able to accommodate some same day rushes on 12/30. Rush service fees will apply.

Don’t Miss our Black Friday Sale! Check your in box and follow us on social media for this years deals!


Meet Our Newly Promoted Team Member, Roland!

Meet Roland! Roland joined our team last winter to handle shipping and media fulfillment. He has recently has moved into a new role as Project Coordinator and Sales!

Roland says, I mainly enjoy two things about my job and it’s that I get to learn Super 8 and 16 films while getting paid and that’s a pretty good deal after graduating film school. I also enjoy hearing clients that enthusiastically tells me how they made their film or made a modern upgrade to their cameras.

Al Larvick Fund

Once again Pro8mm is proud to support the Al Larvick Conservation Fund National Grant as a grant sponsor, giving $2,500 in scanning services for Home Movie Archiving and Preservation. The fund matches our contribution for a total of $5,000 available for home movies to be saved and shared on the Internet Archive. This years grant recipients are Charles Buckey Grimm, George Ingmire and Keyvan Heydari. We look forward to seeing these new grant recipient collections come to life. For more information on the fund and available grants , go to Al Larvick Fund.

Take a look at the scans from recent favorite, 2020 recipient, Barbara’s Little House of Flowers

Straight 8 Streaming on Nov 7th!

SAVE THE DATE // sun 7 nov // 8pm GMT

You are invited to the STRAIGHT 8 2021 BEST 8 live stream premiere 🎥

the best 8 straight 8 short films of 2021, each made on one roll of super 8 and airing for the first time - even to the filmmakers!!

info at

🌟Filmmaker Spotlight 🌟

Long long overdue kudos to all the amazing work that went into the 2020 Netflix Documentary LA Originals that tell the story of Cartoon, artist/ designer and famous Tattoo Artist in Los Angeles.

LA Originals is a 2020 documentary film directed by Estevan Oriol, written by Brian Maya and Omar Quiroga and starring Estevan Oriol and Mister Cartoon. The premise revolves around the Los Angeles-based artists Mark Machado and Estevan Oriol with Latino. Processing and Scanning by Pro8mm. Initial release: April 10, 2020

@benjoarwas at it again! Sound On 🎞💣💥Breaking the #icy 🧊 with @Saweetie ⭐ @flauntmagazine
An amazing piece directed by the multi talented @ganna_bogdan ❄️
For my birthday today I am releasing my music video for my intro single “VREMYA” which means time in Russian. This is a story about my journey returning into professional figure skating and breaking boundaries of age and time . There is never too late to pursue your dream even when the whole world is saying you ain’t got no time. Watch full video on YouTube . This is my gift from me to you on my 28th birthday ❤️
@kealanshilling 🎞🎞🎞🎞, behind the scenes. New work capturing behind the scenes of the most recent @withjean campaign in Acapulco Mexico on 8mm film.
Thank you wedding videographer, @alesiafilms for this wonderful tutorial on how to send film into Pro8mm using Sprocket! We love it!

In Memoriam

Our hearts are heavy as we learned of the tragic accidental death of Director of Photography Halyna Hutchens, 42, on the set of Rust. This terrible accident has deeply affected all of us in the film and television community. A candlelight vigil was held on Sunday, October 24th in Burbank by IATSE Local 80, who has set up a GO FUND ME page for her family during this difficult time. You can donate here.

Have a Pro8mm story to share? Email us or tag us on Instagram for consideration to be included in a future blog!

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