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Retail store Hours 9AM- 5PM Monday- Friday PST

How Pro8mm is Operating During COVID-19

Copyright © 2020 Pro8mm USA, Inc. All rights reserved. Terms of Use | Privacy Policy

Updated 4.14.20

Our phones are back on! We are in the store M-F 9AM - 5PM and answering phones. The retail store remains closed, but we are now offering curbside pickup and have a lockbox for secure, no-touch pickup. You can drop film through the mail slot at the front door.  Please continue to place all orders through

We are excepting mail from USPS and Fedex daily. 

 Stay Safe Everyone!! 

Updated 3.30.20

Dear Pro8mm Family,

It’s been an unprecedented few weeks for all of us as the spread of Covid-19 continues.  We hope you are safe and implementing all the guidelines suggested by the CDC.

Pro8mm is performing services that fall within a critical infrastructure exemption from Executive Order N-33-20 found at  This designation sets forth an expectation and authorization that the company can continue to operate essential services which would include the processing and scanning of film.  We are allowed to execute these services as an essential business under the category of Communication, News Publishers and Broadcasters.

We are running a skeleton crew with just one or two people in the building at a time to keep everyone safe.  For that reason, we may not be able to respond as quickly as we normally do when we are running a team of 15.  

Our on-line store is fully operational and we are fulling all on-line orders.   

Cameras: Our camera tech is working from home, so all those services are available. This is a great time to order a camera or have a service or upgrade one of the 3 models that we sell 

Shipping: We are picking up packages daily at the post office, and Fed-Ex is delivering directly to us.  We can no longer sign for incoming or out coming packages, so we have lowered the cost of shipping, and eliminated the  signature required line itemIf you get a notice from USPS that says your package is being sent back because the business was closed, it is just going back to the local Burbank post office where we will pick it up, or if it is coming by Fed-Ex, they will redeliver.  PLEASE DO NOT SEND ANYTHING UPS as they are not one of our preferred carriers, and we do not have a contingency plan with them.


Without exception there will be no in store pick up.  You may continue to use the mail slot at the front door to drop off your packages, but we can not answer the door for you at this time, per California State law. 

We are working on an option to have you pick that order up from a combination locker.  Stay tuned for details.

If you have an order at the store, please email us at and we can try to Dropbox your file or ship out your order. Once you receive your file, we will store your physical film safely at Pro8mm for free, and you can pick-up after the Safer At Home Order is lifted.  We will also store all projects on our server at no charge during this time. 

Internet File Delivery: We highly encourage all our clients to use Global Access to have your files sent over the internet.  We have reduced the cost to just $5 a gig.  You can use the file size calculator to see how many gigs your job is. The less handling of drives is better for us all, and will make things go much faster on our end.

Need to Contact us? Since we are not answering the phones, we are getting a very high volume of emails.  Please be patient and we will get all your questions answered as quickly as we can.  We have only one person handling the correspondence and she is working from home.  We have also set up a new online chat feature on our website. If someone is logged in, we will respond. Hours will vary. 

Recently we were sent this video from the head doctor Dave Price in New York City who is working with the Covid-19 critically ill patients. The video is about keeping yourself and your family safe. After we watched it we felt much better, and hope you will too.

Stay safe out there, and thank you for your continued support during this challenging time.

Please check back to this post or subscribe to our emails for further updates. 

Phil and Rhonda Vigeant

Mike and Jaclyn Melo