A Free Teleseminar – September 18th, 2012
A new book from Pro8mm, by Rhonda Vigeant, Get “REEL” About Your Home Movie Legacy Before It’s Too Late is coming this fall!
Join us on Tuesday, September 18 for a free teleseminar, where Rhonda will share practical tips from her book about caring for your old film reels, best practices for digitizing and a clear call to action for creating and sharing a home movie legacy that lives!
- Clues from the box: How to use film boxes, film types and notes to figure out what might be on a reel
- Call to action for creating and sharing a home movie legacy that lives
- Fantastic tips on how to care for your original 16mm, 8mm, and super 8 film material.
- Best practices for digitizing- how to create a modern work flow to get your analog material into your digital life.
- How your films can bridge the generation gap, the importance of oral histories, ways to share on social media, and even monetize your film as stock footage.
- Best practices for dealing with deteriorating film
- Types of transfer methods- Film Chain vs. Flying Spot Scanner
Rhonda Vigeant is co-owner and Vice President of Marketing at Pro8mm, a company dedicated to the professional use of Super 8 for both production an archiving. Rhonda has over 30 years experience working with the home movie legacies of film industry moguls, famous faces, and the masses! She is a member of the Southern California Genealogical Society and is a catalyst for promotiong the use of home movies, in research of family history.
We will be announcing our 2012 Holiday Home Movie Deals at the teleseminar!
Click to register: http://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/event?oeidk=a07e6bxtjgt5851828e&llr=4ko9ufbab
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